Brian, Jason and special guest Reality Steve recap Charity’s Bachelorette season, preview the Golden Bachelor and Bachelor in Paradise.
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Brian, Jason and special guest Reality Steve recap Charity’s Bachelorette season, preview the Golden Bachelor and Bachelor in Paradise.
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Brian and Jason break down Charity’s Fijian Fantasy Suites.
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Brian and Jason talk about the ongoing Brayden drama, frog murder and indoor layering.
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Brian and Jason discuss the right reasons violations on episodes 2-3 of Charity’s #TheBachelorette season.
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Brian Beckner and Jason Stewart dive head first into Charity’s season premiere and weird brother sister dynamic.
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Brian and Jason are joined by special guest Reality Steve to recap everything that happened behind the scenes on Zach’s pathetic season.
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Brian Beckner and Jason Stewart break down the most disastrous Fantasy Suites episode in The Bachelor history.
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Brian and Jason slog through the hometowns episode as Zach’s season stumbles toward the finish line.
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Loser Zach humiliates two contestants with the help of a mentalist, and the hometown dates are set.
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Brian and Jason talk about Zach’s bout with Covid-19, Kat vs. Brooklyn and Jess having the nerve to be upset.
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