Olivia Becomes Lace in Ten Ways to Lose a Guy.
It’s week four and the field, much like the contestants’ confidence and sanity, is narrowing.
Olivia is back to story A in this episode, and boy is she repetitive. The episode opens with Olivia, in her typical fashion, claiming Ben as her man, saying that she’s never felt so sure and that they’re amazing together. Nothing sadder than a one-sided relationship.

She’s that insecure girl that talks about how amaaaaaaaaazing her relationship is all the time to compensate for her feelings of insecurity about said relationship. We see this every day on Facebook and Instagram and no one’s falling for it.
Chris Harrison shows up at The Mansion to tell the girls they’re going to Vegas and in my opinion they’re way too excited. Most of all The Twins, who are hoping to show Ben around their hometown.

Ben reads some generic-sounding cue cards about Vegas to camera.

Once ensconced at their suite at the Aria, JoJo scores the first one-on-one date.

Olivia announces that, “Ben is her piece,” and that she’s, “Zen with Ben.” She’s the worst.
Ben and JoJo have a glass of champers on the roof awaiting their helicopter which lands and blows everything over, breaking the glasses, knocking the table over and ruining JoJo’s hair for the date. They recover from this small disaster by kissing while the chopper blades wreak havoc.

All the girls are conveniently able to watch them kiss from their room which triggers the beginning of things coming undone for Olivia. She really thought Ben was only making out with her.

Ben and JoJo clearly have sexual chemistry on their date, which is intercut with Olivia rambling about Ben. Olivia rambling is intercut with every scene, actually.
The group date card is read and Olivia’s name is on it, sending her into a deeper depression about not having the second one-on-one, which went to boring Becca.

Meanwhile, on their date, Ben talks about “moments” with JoJo and she opens up about her relationship baggage and the typical “trust” issues she’s lugging around like any normal, insecure 24-year-old.
Ben is way into her though, telling the camera he’s is falling for her. More kissing as fireworks go off from the rooftop of their hotel, while the rest of the girls look out over the Vegas strip, wishing those fireworks were for them.

Olivia continues her downward spiral.

The group date is a talent show led by Vegas “entertainer” and ventriloquist, Terry Fator, who shockingly, Caila is aware of and a fan of. RED FLAG.

We are treated to some marginal talent with The Twins doing a Riverdance and Jubilee playing the cello. Honestly, didn’t see that one coming.

Olivia is in full manic-mode as she prepares her Vegas showgirl number, saying crazy stuff like, “When I’m with him it’s bam shabam!” and just being a little too over-confident about her upcoming performance, saying, “Being able to shine has never been a problem for me.”

Her performance is as awkward and cringe-worthy as it could possibly be as she stomps about, her big feet shoeless. Everyone looks on in horror and when it’s over Ben pity-hugs her, the relief on his face palpable. The reaction shots from Ben and the girls watching are the highlight of the episode.

Post show, Olivia’s meltdown is in full-swing, as she has a “panic attack,” crying hysterically after she realizes how bad her performance was and the embarrassment sinks in. Olivia has zero sense of humor about herself and is painfully un-self aware so laughing this off is not in her tool box. She’s spiralling out of control as we all watch in glee.

Caila and Ben have the first alone time on the group date and she goes right for it, prompting Ben to call her a “tigress” and a “sex panther.” Ben is so asexual to me.

Olivia is still coming apart at the seams, she even looks unraveled and not as put-together as usual tonight. The wheels are definitely falling off.

Lauren H. is this season’s Whitney from Chris Soules’ season.
In one of the worst things I’ve ever seen on this show, and there have been hundreds, Ben uses a puppet to talk to the girls, a la Terry Fator. If I were any of these chicks I’d just leave right then and there. Seriously, what the hell is going on??
Olivia scurries over to Ben, desperate for him to give her confidence back to her but before she gets what she needs she’s interrupted by one of The Twins.
She joins the group of girls after speaking with Ben and immediately starts shovelling food into her mouth. The manic, emotional rollercoaster she’s on totally out of control at this point as we catch a glimpse of her yo-yo weight-comfort eating issues.

Lauren B. talks to Ben and seems almost too normal for this show.
Olivia comes back, like all really annoying things, and interrupts the Other Twin and Ben who does not seem like he’s stoked to see her again, asking her, “What is going on right now?” She’s become Lace and it’s terrifying.
Ben, who is a master class in putting insecure women at ease, comforts Olivia just enough that she’s instantly flying high again and back to thinking they’re getting married.

That is until Lauren B. gets the group date rose.
The next day Becca dons a sad wedding dress for her date, and Jubilee, who’s a huge hater, comments that, “it’s the perfect person to wear white.” A virgin joke, good one.

There’s a faux proposal and then a reveal they’ll actually be marrying other people. This date is all the way around tragic so I’m skipping the details.

Ben attempts to get to know Becca. She’s really pretty but a really dim bulb. He asks her if it’s been hard to stay a virgin and is impressed with her “commitment to God.” World’s most boring date.
After some tame kissing Ben decides that Becca is someone he could see himself with. Shocker.

Chris Harrison rocks up to the hotel suite to tell The Twins that Ben wants a double date with them. Didn’t see this coming. So many twists! Eye roll.

The best part of this show for me is always getting a look into these people’s homes and seeing their families and Hayley and Emily’s did not disappoint.
The mom is wearing ripped-up True Religion-style jeans and there’s small dogs everywhere and on the wall are large words hanging that say, “Live, Laugh, Love.” One twin has soft toys on her bed and the other still has framed pictures of her “ex-boyfriend” in her sad bedroom.

Emily kind of throws her sister under the bus by saying that she know Hayley’s having trouble opening up to Ben and the mom also explains that Emily is the dominant twin with all the personality and basically poor other one.
Ben leaves with Emily in tow, and Hayley crying on her bed. So sad. In reality he should’ve just left them both at home.

Back to the group date and tall Jen tries to get some time in with Ben but is promptly interrupted by Olivia, who has inexplicably brought some cake with her. She’s an actual idiot.
Olivia vomits out that she’s completely falling for Ben because she’s so desperate at this point. Ben is over it.
Olivia re-joins the girls and immediately tells JoJo that she told Ben she was falling for him. Crazy chicks always say too much.

Jubilee expresses her insecurity again about being “complicated” and Ben, again, eases her mind but this insecure stuff is getting old. Jubilee is so too hard basket.
Going into the rose ceremony, three of the favorites; JoJo, Becca and Lauren B. all have roses.
Olivia has now officially taken Lace’s place as the “crazy” girl, speaking about herself in the third person saying things like, “Olivia’s back” and, “Olivia is here to stay.” I wonder if someone has swapped her mood-stabilizer meds with a placebo?

Ben begins handing out roses to a comically dramatic score, intercut with Olivia saying things like, “I read a lot of romance novels where everything just comes together, that would be gigantor for me.” What the actual fuck?
Roses go to Amanda single mom, “Whitney” Lauren H., Jubilee stripper tattoos, the Twin, Caila “Sex Panther”, tall Jennifer (Olivia blurts out “seriously?” here), and Leah with the dark brows.

Final rose comes down to a choice between Amber, Rachel and Olivia with Olivia announcing that being the last means Ben’s sending her a message. Yes, girl.
Olivia gets that punitive last rose, and the message is clear to everyone but her, Ben is over you.

“Rachel, unemployed, Little Rock, Arkansas” starts to cry to a sad score and walks away in her hideous red carpet dress, not fully comprehending that she was never even in the race.

Amber takes her heels off and exits the scene, also in tears, then curls up on a pool lounger, crying and talking to herself about how she got hurt. Sad times.

The journey to find love is not an easy one. Buckle up!