Star Wars, Making a Murderer, Dinosaur truthers, Vine stars and mermaid sex organs.

Adrian Peterson, Dance Fighting, Death by Tombstone, FanceePop and More.

NHL players on #blow, NFL players #creepin, condoms ruining the #porn industry and #BachelorinParadise.

Robin Williams, Tony Stewart, #AskJameis, Pac Man Jones vs. Ludacris and Bachelor in Paradise. Get it.

Michael Jordan and LeBron, Ray Rice, long-lost sex toys, male nurses and special guest Jason Stewart discusses #TheBachelorette finale.

Tony Dungy is a phony, Deion Sanders’ school, Nike co-founder’s daughter-in-law likes young boys, a man shot for being a weak ejaculator, fast food sex, and Steven Seagal, Ellen and Portia, Hobie from Baywatch and #TheBachelorette in #FanceePop.
Sports and Pop Culture Till it Hurts