Amish marathoner, Russ Branyan, Russ Wilson, a dude named Phuc Dat Bich, Yelp for HJs, Charlie Sheen and celebrity relationship roundup.
Paris, Bobbleheads, Real Madrid Blackmail, Twerking, Noah’s Ark, Charlie Sheen
Teen sexting ring, druglord felled by baked goods, spiteful grandma, #lyfecoaching and Fanceepop.
Boxer accidentally does gay porn, Notre Dame tutor sex, Tiger Woods’ caddy tells all, Halloween crime, Gwen Stefani, Leah Remini, Scientology and more.
Rick Pitino is greasy, Joel Embiid drinks A LOT of Shirley Temples, Billy Beane’s water bill, another secretly gay republican, daughter pledges her hymen to dad.
Jason Stewart explains his Tinder strategy.
On Future Day special guest Jason Stewart joins Brian and Ed to discuss the Back to Future movies.
More shaming, Cowboys fan crowdsources attempted murder, ISIS Halloween, Justin Bieber’s dick and Anne Hathaway’s eggs.
Brian and Ed discuss the woman who intentionally blinded herself with drain cleaner.
Priest pulls gun on kid, Libertarian goat sacrifice, fired for farting, HFOITG, #lyfecoaching and FanceePop.
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